For Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 April

All content is subject to weather, aircraft serviceability and RAAF aircraft will be subject to operational requirements. This is an all weather event and in the event of poor weather we will present what it is safe to do so.

9.00 AM
😀 Gates Open
🍿 Food Stalls Open

6.20 - 9.30 AM
🛬 Aircraft Fly In

9.30 AM
🎤 Welcome to Country and Official Opening (Saturday only)

10.00 AM
🎖️ Armed Forces Museum - Open for visitors (Free entry with Airshow ticket)
🪂 Latrobe Valley Skydivers - Parachutists display (Sunday only)

10.25 AM
🪂 Combat Paratroopers

10.30 AM
✈️ Sky Aces

10.45 AM
✈️ Winjeel

11.00 AM
🎤 Main Stage - Brass Band
✈️ Wirraway

11.15 AM
✈️ T-28 Trojan

11.30 AM
✈️ Nanchang

11.45 AM
✈️ Nanchang

12.00 PM
✈️ WOLF PITTS - Bike jump + Wall of flame
🎤 Main Stage - AV8 RAAF Band

13.00 PM
🎤 Main Stage - Fashion Show
✈️ RAAF Roulettes

13.15 PM
✈️ RC Models

13.25 PM
✈️ RAAF Trainers

13.35 PM
✈️ CT-4

13.55 PM
✈️ Edge 540

14.05 PM
✈️ Sabre

14.15 PM
✈️ Gruman Avenger

14.30 PM
✈️ Spartan

15.30 PM

16.00 PM
🛫 Aircraft Departures
🎖️ Armed Forces Museum - Closes
😀 Public Depart

Register to Win!

Win a 25-minute high speed, high G-force warbird aerobatic flight with Combat Flights Gippsland valued at $465!

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