Beginner or advanced, young or old, the Sale Camera Club is dedicated to sharing and improving the work of photography enthusiasts. Share or improve your knowledge of photography. Field trips, outings, workshops and presentation are organised throughout the year. Club meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month (except January) at 7.30pm at the Girl Guide Hall in Sale, 118-120 Market Street, Sale VIC 3850. We welcome new members and guests.
With a long storied history dating back to the gold rush era, the Dargo Heritage Museum is a unique destination to visit while you are in Gippsland's beautiful High Country. The museum allows you to quietly wander back in time to experience what some of our early settlers lived through when Dargo was booming in the gold rush mining era.
The Dargo Heritage Museum has a wide array of exhibits and local artifacts that showcase not only the hey days of the gold mining era, but also the life of mountain cattlemen in the region, the highlights of high country life and early pioneer days of Dargo and Gippsland.