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Gippsland Grammar Early Learning Centre


Gippsland Grammar Early Learning Centre provides an excellent beginning for local children as they embark upon their education. Its three and four year-old programs are tailored to meet the needs of young students ensuring their first schooling experience is positive and happy.

Aligned to the Gippsland Grammar Academic Care Principles the ELC upholds the School’s five core values: compassion, leadership, excellence, respect and responsibility. Gippsland Grammar Early Learning Centre Director Lisa Burgess said the philosophy was to create harmonious, caring and creative learning environments to challenge and extend your child. “These early years are crucial years of intellectual, social, spiritual and physical growth,” she explained. “Children are encouraged to become flexible, creative and adaptable thinkers who are global citizens navigating change in a fast-moving world.

“They are immersed in an environment which provides plenty of early literacy and numeracy experiences, a mix of adult and child-directed learning, as well as opportunities for open-ended interest-based exploration.” Daily programs at Gippsland Grammar ELC integrate the arts, science, mathematics and language, the development of thinking skills, growth mindset precepts and education about sustainability.

They are enriched by weekly specialist lessons in Music, Japanese and a Perceptual Motor Program (PMP). Children also attend the library each week to borrow books and each child in the Transition Program (four and five year-old) has their own special Year 5 ‘buddy’.

Catch up with Gippsland Grammar news at www.gippslandgrammar.au

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