Favourites (be4ds4dumzphlsabw0h1joubfjvhombwtocmi7jx)

Luxford Antiques

Luxford Antiques 1
With Seven rooms of fully restored Victorian and Edwardian furniture you are sure to find what you are looking for. We also carry a beautiful range of gift ideas such as paintings and ornaments. So if you are looking for Fully Restored Antique's call in and see Wally.

The Wedge Performing Arts Centre

Wedge 23
The Wedge is a contemporary hub for performing arts and entertainment complete with theatre, versatile meeting rooms and modern café. Operated by Wellington Shire Council, this multi award winning venue provides outstanding facilities and services for touring theatre performances, corporate events, local theatre groups, social gatherings, wedding receptions, parties, conventions, exhibitions and more.

Visitor Resources

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