Favourites (cvtcczcjzfygatoy8wt23jvd5iybmsncnuqwvwjx)

Storytime - Sale Library

Port Of Sale Library 30aug18 0008

Storytime is a 45 minute session held during school term that includes stories, songs and activities aimed at preschoolers, assisting in developing their social and early literacy skills. Get your kids into our fantastic libraries to enjoy these great sessions. Sale Library runs story time sessions, Wednesdays from 10:30am.

Rock, Rhythm & Rhyme - Sale Library

Pos Library 1

Join us for a 30 minute fun-filled program, held during school term, that includes nursery rhymes, action songs, music and simple stories designed to entertain and assist in developing pre-literacy and social skills for babies and toddlers. Get your kids into our fantastic libraries to enjoy these great sessions. Two sessions, Friday mornings: 9.30am and 10.30am.

Visitor Resources

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