Favourites (dryj43cywv1me9rbbrgayjx8qcscddwwrtde23xn)

Cafe 3858

Cafe 3858 1

Cafe 3858 is an ideal spot for everyone. With seating for upto 70 people, it is a perfect function area that offers a courtyard with seating capacity for around 40 more people. The food ranges from the old classics to some varied modern styles, all being homemade on the premises including cakes, slices, relishes and dressings.

The cafe has won several awards including Best Cafe twice and Best Coffee in the Wellington People's Choice awards and numerous mentions in the Herald Sun and the Age. Cafe 3858 can cater for functions from finger food to sit down menus. Opening hours are Tuesday to Friday 9am till 4pm, Saturdays and Sundays 9am till 3pm and open for dinners on request.

So next time you're in town or passing through, please call in and see the friendly staff as they strive to provide great customer service with fantastic coffee and food.

Stag & Doe Cafe

82 Stag Doe Cafe

Once you step foot in the Stag & Doe, you'll be taken away on a whimsical and quirky journey! With an amazing array of decor that is both stylish, and functional that'll leave you marveling while you enjoy a bite to eat, or a quick cuppa.

During the cooler months, you'll often find the locals sitting on the couch in front of the roaring fire, having a catch up over a coffee and for the warmer months, why not grab a cold drink and enjoy the sun sitting outside! You may also find some local specialty produce for sale to take home to enjoy.

Heyfield Bakery

Heyfield Bakery

Heyfield Bakery offers a delicious variety of baked goods, fresh bread, freshly made sandwiches, rolls and wraps, cakes and slices. Yummy espresso coffee and tea is available along with cool drinks and ice-creams. All goods are baked on premises and the friendly staff look forward to welcoming you!

You'll enjoy the pleasant surroundings and efficient table service and eat in service, or why not go alfresco in the sunshine under the umbrellas, or takeaway. ​So pop into Heyfield Bakery and try some awesome bakery items either eat in or ready to go, Brad and the team are always on hand to help you out.

Cafe 3858

Cafe 3858 1

Cafe 3858 is an ideal spot for everyone. With seating for upto 70 people, it is a perfect function area that offers a courtyard with seating capacity for around 40 more people. The food ranges from the old classics to some varied modern styles, all being homemade on the premises including cakes, slices, relishes and dressings.

The cafe has won several awards including Best Cafe twice and Best Coffee in the Wellington People's Choice awards and numerous mentions in the Herald Sun and the Age. Cafe 3858 can cater for functions from finger food to sit down menus. Opening hours are Tuesday to Friday 9am till 4pm, Saturdays and Sundays 9am till 3pm and open for dinners on request.

So next time you're in town or passing through, please call in and see the friendly staff as they strive to provide great customer service with fantastic coffee and food.

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