Favourites (x6uagiv2m3g7cgqxufvdwgkapltxxmjmgfpad7wd)

Sale Camera Club


Beginner or advanced, young or old, the Sale Camera Club is dedicated to sharing and improving the work of photography enthusiasts. Share or improve your knowledge of photography. Field trips, outings, workshops and presentation are organised throughout the year. Club meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month (except January) at 7.30pm at the Girl Guide Hall in Sale, 118-120 Market Street, Sale VIC 3850. We welcome new members and guests.

Sale Producers Market

Sale Producers Market

The Sale Producers Market is your home for all things that can be created, made or baked. With a great range of stallholders including local arts and crafts, jams and relishes, plants and so much more for you to enjoy.

The Sale Producers Market runs on the third Saturday of each month, from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Sale Showgrounds. During the winter months, the market is held undercover.

For all stall bookings, please make prior contact via phone.

Glengarry Makers, Bakers & Growers Market

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With a large variety of stalls with everything that can be made, baked and grown, the Glengarry Market is a wonderful market to stop in and enjoy. Held on the Third Sunday of each month, from 9am to 2pm.

Visitor Resources

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