U3A Yarram


352 Commercial Rd, Yarram VIC 3971, Australia
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Your local U3A provides a great place to meet new friends and gain some new knowledge.

The courses are presented as text with graphics. A PDF version is available for each course so that it can be downloaded and saved. The PDF link is on the right hand top corner of eace unit. The courses are compatible with screen readers for those with vision impairment.

Our courses are basic information on the topics, with links to other websites for those who would like more information. There are no exams, assignments or tests and no certificates or qualifications to be achieved. It is simply for the joy of learning and aimed at those who would like to keep their minds active. 

The courses generally consist of 8 to 10 units which can be worked through at the member’s own pace and at any time. There are suggested activities included but these are entirely voluntary.

Open Hours
